You are going to be so proud of me! I have been working hard, just like you said I should, and I was offered 2 full time jobs!
Job #1: Full time Counselor at Camp Carnelian.
I have been actively participating as a guest at Camp Carnelian, and the management is so impressed they offered me a full time gig as Camp Counselor for 1 year. Dadthzs, between you and me, these people need professional help and I feel like I'm the guy for the job. I don't think this job pays much, but the rewards will be mine if I can straighten them out a little. It's not just Brett & JuJu, it's the whole dang neighborhood. They are all a little crazy.
Job #2: Full time co-greeter at Autumn Transport
I am kicking butt at this too, so I'm going full time as of today. I hope the counseling job doesn't wear me out too much. I think I've got enough energy for both.
Here are a few pictures of my weekend highlights, along with some commentary.
Friday night we went to John & Jodi's. I've been here a few times - here I am in their backyard. They have a fur kid named Elli Bleu and she is scared of fireworks, so I'm trying to coach her through that. Sometimes they call John "Pastor John" and he conducts a church service just for us furkids. I think JuJu sent you a video of that Friday night. I have officially converted to John's church, because the sermon comes straight from the grill, and fills both my tummy and my soul.
Saturday morning we did our usual walking route (2.4 miles) and I finally got to meet Phoebe. She's a Newfie and she slobbers a lot, but she's really nice.
Last but not least, I FINALLY got to meet Summer's half brother Tobey. We went on a Sunday morning cruise with Tobey's family. It was really nice to have another boy dog around. So far its been all girls in the neighborhood. (I guess I'm not really complaining about that because I really dig the girls, but it was nice to have a dude around for some bro time). Summer is much sassier with her brother than she is with me. I think I bring a calming effect for Summer, which might be part of the reason I was offered the full time gig at Camp.
Grandpa Bruce is going to come to Camp Carnelian this Thursday for a few hours to sit with Summer and me while Brett & JuJu are out celebrating their birthdays on the golf course. I am looking forward to hanging with him. I miss seeing Grandpa everyday because he is so nice and he smells like you, but now that he's feeling better I think I'll see more of him which makes me happy.
I better get back to work. They aren't much for micro managing here, but I don't want them to second guess their choice in giving me full time work.
Miss you dadthzs,