Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Back to the vet, and I met another new friend

Hey Dadthzs,

I've been back to shaking my head and flapping my ears, so Brett brought me back to see the vet today.  Sure enough, I've got another ear infection.  Brett & JuJu suspected this last week, but every time they have put the OtoMax in my ear, I run around the house like a crazed goof, crying and whimpering carrying on.  No one has the guts to put me through that again, so we went back for a more thorough diagnosis. 

Good news:  Dr. Olivia gave me a high five for my weight.  I am now 81.7 pounds and she says I look and feel great.  Brett asked if we should increase my food again, and she said that I could still lose 5 more pounds before a food increase.  Brett floated that idea past JuJu and she said "over my dead Scandahoovian heritage butt!  We need to keep Bru right where he's at, and he shouldn't lose any more weight."  It sounds like I might have some steak in my future.  High Paws!

Bad news:  Ear infections suck.  And because of my history of whimpering, they decided to pack my ear with antibiotic, right there at the doctors office.  I just about lost it, Dadthzs.  I high stepped it all around Dr. Olivia's office, crying up a storm.  Dr. Olivia (who is a peanut to begin with, and due to her small & petite stature shouldn't be trusted in matters of "ideal weight") got down on the floor, put her small hands on my cheeks, and in a soft girlie voice said "Bruiser, you're going to be just fine."  I stopped my crying immediately, and I haven't cried since.

Other news:  I met another new friend on Sunday.  Louie is staying on the lake with his grandparents for a week while his Dadthzs is out of town.  Louie is a 6 month old Golden, and he was super fun.  Here we are getting some treats from JuJu:

As you can see, we still have plenty of snow on the lake.  It's been tough to walk because our paws sink in deeper than the perceived surface.  So we are only taking short walks (a mile or so) at a time.  No one needs a torn ACL coming into swimsuit season!

I'll write one more time before I go to Grandpathzs on Good Friday. 

All is well at Camp Carnelian!

High steppin' Big Cryin' Bru-baby

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