Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Boys vs. Girls (I'll take the girls any day!)

Spring has sprung at Camp, Dadthzs!

And it's about dang time!

Friday night, we hosted dinner for Dr. Jay, his new GF (Shanna), and Jay's furkid named Monte.  I think Monte is the first boy dog that has been to Camp since I arrived back in July.  It never dawned on me that all of my play dates have been with the ladies, except that one time we went to Blaine to play with Tobey (Summer's brother) and when we walk across the street at Tucker's.  All the dogs on our road walk are girls (except for Cruiser and he hardly counts - he's what Brett calls "musky bait").  I've become accustomed to the enviable role of Big Man On Campus, and frankly when Monte arrived I wasn't a big fan.  First of all, Monte is a Pudle Pointer and he moves with lightning speed.  Too fast and too much action for me.  Second, he's a close talker and doesn't respect normal space boundaries around my face.  The first hour he was at Camp, I barked at him, got up in his grill, showed him who's boss, and even gave my best tough-guy growl.  Monte tried to play with me a few times, but I had none of it.  I stood my ground and took charge of the situation, which included bringing quite a few of JuJu's shoes to the bar area downstairs.  It's my job to defend my home turf.  By the time we went to bed Friday night, I was exhausted.  I'll take the girls any day! (Quick shout outs to: Elli, Kasey, Bailey, Stella, Mo, Agate, Reece, Rocie, Winnie, Izzy, Maggie, DeMazy, Abel and the late Phoebe for being such cool chicks).  If I forgot a cool chick in my shout out, I know I'll be in the dog house.  Obviously my cousin Summer goes without saying.

This past weekend the sun came out and the air warmed up to the mid-60's so that the snow from the blizzard the weekend before could finally start to melt.  We spent the rest of the weekend outside and it was awesome.  There is still 24" of ice all the way across the lake, so we continued to use the lake for our walks.  It's much easier, cleaner and safer than the road.  

On Sunday we did something fun and new:  We went for a city walk downtown Stillwater.  JuJu needed bird seed, so we got to tag along to the Farm Store.  We walked and talked and gawked our way through downtown, sniffing all kinds of people/dogs/kids in strollers.  It was pretty cool to get out with the crowds and experience something new.  The Farm Store is dog friendly, which means not only do they have a water bowl on their front steps, we got to go INSIDE the store and the nice lady gave us treats.  When we got home, we helped fill the bird feeders, and got to feel the warmth of the sun in contrast with the cool ground on our bellies.  Spring is the BEST!

The countdown is ON for ice-out.  I can't wait to get back on the pontoon.  I miss the open water, the breeze in my face, and Floatillas.  


Monday, April 16, 2018

Easter, Aggie, Blizzard 2018

Greetings Dadthzs from the never ending snow globe!

I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since I last wrote.  It's been a whirlwind for sure.  Here's what's cooking at Camp:

Easter:  Grandpa and I went to Auntie Jill's cabin on Deer Lake for Easter.  We picked up Nan and Summer and all rode together.  Road trip!  When we arrived at Deer Lake, there was a surprise puppy there named Bitty.  She came with Miss Lorie (remember she is the one who brought me special treats to Auntie Jill's birthday party in December?) and she is the last of 3 puppies that Miss Lorie is fostering from Coco's Rescue.  We all got along great and had a super fun day.  You'll notice Bitty sat right next to me while Summer was "sitting pretty" for her treat.

Aggie:  Our friends (The Voxlands) just got a new puppy on the day I went to Grandpa's, so we all had to wait 10 days to meet her.  Her name is Agate (aka "Aggie") and she is a Golden Doodle.  She is 12 weeks old and she is pretty chill for a puppy.  When we met her on Friday night, she was a little scared of me and Summer at first.  But since I am the older version of super-chill, I was able to set the pace until she realized we were safe playmates.   

Dadthzs, Aggie's hairdo totally reminds me of Meg Ryan in Top Gun.  It's just the right amount of wavy and messy, with awesome highlights.  She is so pretty.  She's even pretty when she's napping (we wore her out!).  I can't wait to show her how to ride on the pontoon this spring.

I'm not trying to brag, but I did overhear Aggie's parents say they hope she turns out just like me.  Their kids really love me a lot too and gave me a lot of attention, which surprised me since they have a new puppy of their own.  I was getting pretty tired before we left, so I took a short nap while they all watched the WILD playoff game.  As soon as I closed my eyes, Trygve came over to snuggle me and we took a little nap together.  There is nothing like a hug from a kiddo.  It was my highlight of this past weekend for sure.

Blizzard 2018:   Whoa!  I said my very first swear word since arriving at Camp.  When we got up Saturday morning for potties, we walked out the basement door straight into a 30mph east wind coming straight across the lake and snow blowing all over the place.  I didn't like that AT ALL!  That wind whistles in my ears and the sleet stings my eyes.  I burrowed my face down and muttered a naughty word under my breath.  JuJu heard it.  She said "You must have learned that word from Uncle Brett." 

The weekend was one for the record books.  It is now the snowiest April on record in Minnesota.  The blizzard started some time overnight Friday night and continued until we went to bed Sunday night.  No one can measure how much snow we got because it was blowing all over the place, but we are all guessing 12".  

That record setting weather did NOT stop the activity at Camp however.  On Saturday night, during the worst of it, Jodi and Colleen came over for pasta and brought Elli Bleu.  They parked at the top of the driveway because with all the snow and ice they were afraid they wouldn't get back out.  They left while it was still light outside, just in case.  Even the heartiest of Minnesotans know when it's time to err on the side of caution.  Mother Nature is no chick to mess with.  

On Sunday we went to an "ice out" party at Boyts.  I got to see Kasey and Bailey again - I hadn't seen them in many weeks and I missed them! The "ice out" party was planned before the Blizzard, and the snow didn't stop anyone.  There is still 2 feet of ice on the lake and everyone is predicting record setting late ice-out.  We had apps and drinks and went home well before dark. 

I find it ironically appropriate that we are having the coldest and snowiest winter here, while you are also living on the ice cap at the top of planet earth.  Maybe this is your way of bonding with me from so many miles away.  With that being said, I wish you would have been Commander of a much warmer place so that my people weren't freezing and shoveling their buns off.  Maybe all of this snow is supposed to get me ready for Camp Colorado Springs.  I've learned that with enough apps and friends you can survive anything, regardless of the weather.  I'm ready for anything.

Love and miss you,
