Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Hi Dadthzs,

This will be my last note to you from Camp Carnelian, as I will see you this Saturday. I can't wait! I can't believe how time flies and I can't believe this is my 40th blog post.  What a year it has been.

As I reflect on this past year I realize how much I've learned, ways I've changed, and that some things stay the same.

I've learned that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.  I'm not talking about the kind of tricks you do for a treat, but the real-life tricks that matter.

  • I learned to swim. The hard way.  I never told you this at the time Dadthzs, but I fell off the dock backwards my first week at Camp.  While I have a beautiful show stride (aka Prancer) on our walks, I tend to be a bit clumsy on the dock.  I was standing behind JuJu while she was lowering the pontoon in the water. I took one step too many in reverse and SPLOOSH!  I fell in, started to sink, and then genetics kicked in and I started to paddle.  I popped right up and swam to the shore.  I shook off, got my bearings & retrieved my pride, and then slowly waded into the water again.  From that day on, all of my entries into the water were from the shore, on purpose.
  • I learned to be a great pontooner.  It took me a few weeks to learn this trick, but once I got my sea legs I couldn't wait to get on the boat.  Pontooning is my perfect speed, and pretty much exemplifies what I'm all about.  Super chill.
  • I learned the terms:  Boat Ride, Church, Cheese-in-it, Far Enough, No Grass, Potty-Poops.
  • I learned the names:  Summer, Kasey, Bailey and Elli.  My ears perk up and my tail wags every time I hear their names.  They are my best buds.  
  • I learned to work a full time job.  This took quite a bit of adjustment, but with persistence and a can-do attitude I believe I caught my stride and did well.  I know I made a difference in the lives of my co-workers because they've told me so.  Let's not kid each other though, the early bugle call on Monday morning is pretty tough after a weekend of constant activity at Camp. I'm grateful my boss let me nap more than I worked on Mondays so I could ease back into things.   
  • I've learned that friends are what life is all about.  I've made so many friends in my time at Camp, both human and canine.  I've learned that even though humans don't have tails to wag, they greet me with equal enthusiasm by knowing exactly where I like to be scratched (on my rump, of course).  My canine friends warmly welcomed me as "the new kid" at Camp.  After just a few butt sniffs, they accepted me and I quickly became a respected member of the pack.  

I've changed in obvious ways and subtle ways alike.

  • I think the most obvious change is my physical fitness.  I've shed a few pounds and am in such good shape I feel lost on the rare occasion we don't go for a "W" after work.  I went from struggling on my first half miler, to breezing through daily 2.5 milers, to taking on the challenge of a 5+ miler without missing a beat.  
  • My palate has changed.  While I'm still grain free, I have developed a love for Akaushi steak, Sartori cheese, Pet n Shape Chicken on a stick, and Reddi Wip.  Sorry Dadthzs, none of those things are cheap.  I hope you saved a few bucks while you were on the north pole. I've got new culinary standards.
  • A subtle change you'll notice is that my hearing isn't what it used to be.  You know I'm a good listener, but I have to hear it to obey.  Sometimes I think I may have appeared stubborn when I truly couldn't hear.  Maybe sometimes I was stubborn and played the "selective hearing" card so I could eat more grass on our walks.  I'm the only one who knows the truth on that.
  • Here's a bonus change: I don't get car sick nearly as often.  JuJu is a good driver and she doesn't go around corners or accelerate very fast.  Brett, on the other hand......maybe it's all the rides with him that conditioned me.  

Some things never change.
  • I never really learned how to duck out of the way when I'm trying to mark my pee on top of Summer's pee and she kicks dirt in my face trying to cover it up.  I don't know why I don't wait a few more seconds and/or not stand so close.  I have taken many rounds of dirt, leaves and grass to the mush.  
  • I am still The Great Protector.  I never relax with my back to the door.  I'm always facing forward, watching for what's coming next.  I don't let JuJu out of my sight.  I lay in front of her office door so that everyone who comes to see her has to step over me to come in.  I lay in front of the front door at work when she leaves for lunch and I don't move until she comes back.  I've also become protective of the back yard at Camp, barking at geese & ducks, kayakers, and pontoons that pass by "my" shoreline.  

As I sign off, here is a picture of Summer and me last night.  I think it's a great illustration of my experience at Camp.  I've caught a few of my human friends teary eyed lately, thinking about saying good-bye to me. I keep reminding them that Life Is Good and we need to enjoy each day that the Good Lord gives us, as none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.  There is no reason to be sad.  I have loved and I've been loved.  I've made the most of every day at Camp while I've waited for you to come home.  It's been a blast.  I've made great memories. Now I'm ready for the next chapter of my life adventure with you.



PS:  Dang this pollen.  Makes my eyes water.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Dadthzs,
Happy Birthday to you!
Froooommmm Bruuuuuu........

Happy 40th birthday Dadthzs!!

As you are counting up the years, I am counting down the days now.  Just 8 more days & a wake up and you will be at Camp to pick me up.  I can hardly wait to see you!

Hey, speaking of calendars and counting, please mark your calendar for Thursday June 14th from 12:00-1:00.  The folks at Autumn are having an informal BBQ luncheon for my retirement party.  My last day at work will be Friday 6/8, but since you are in town the whole next week, they planned the party so you could come too.

Speaking of retirement, I'm not working very hard this morning.  What are they gonna do, fire me?

Birthday hugs and high paws!


Monday, May 21, 2018


Hi Dadthzs,

I am excited to introduce my final Camp project. I am confident in my ability to show strong leadership skills during the last 3 weeks at Camp.  This is where working out everyday & eating right will help me keep up and show this young kid the ropes.

Please welcome, Chevy Strobel! My new cousin!  He's a Golden, like me.  I don't even mind that he got all the attention last night - it's hard to compete with a puppy that is so stinkin' cute, even when I have the BMOC swagger going for me.  I politely introduced myself, and then I just kept an eye on the whole family the rest of the night.  I especially watched the pool to make sure Chevy didn't get too close and fall in while Ryan was swimming.  You know me Dadthzs, always protecting.

It's hard to believe you will be back in 3 weeks.  Time stood still when you left.  Suddenly, somehow, a year has passed.  I look back and read my earliest blog posts, and back then a year seemed like an eternity.  But, I rallied and adjusted to Camp life: I got a new routine, made new friends, got a job, and used God's special gifts that He gave uniquely to me to try and make a difference.  I don't want to get all misty eyed writing this today, but as I look back at this past year, I am proud of myself.  I do believe I've made a difference.  I believe I was a key part of making good memories, and I sure had a lot of great times.  Heck, I even learned to swim after all these years, and I got back to church on a regular basis.  It's only fitting that I get to wrap up Camp life by getting young Chevy off on the right paw.

You can even see my confidence in the way I ride on the boat now versus when I arrived at Camp.  No fear & no shaky legs now.  Just straight up cool guy swagger.  This was last night on the Boyts new boat:

I'll write one more time before you come home Dadthzs.  I can't wait to see you!  

Misty eyed and blaming it on the pollen,


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Camp Cottonwood Cruisin'

Hi Dadthzs,

Here at Camp Cottonwood, things are a little sticky.  The whole backyard at Camp is exclusively Cottonwood trees and right now they are dropping two things as they bud:  1.  These soft fuzzy wormy looking things (no biggie); and 2.  These small almond shaped sticky things about the size of a nickel.

Guess which item LOVES my soft fur on my belly? 
     (Answer:  the sticky things)

Guess what I did pretty much the whole weekend?
     (Answer:  lay on my belly in the backyard, supervising more yard work and boat washing)

Guess who has an entire underside of matted sticky fur?
     (Answer:  ME!  And while I'm not fond of the constant picking by JuJu, I'd still rather be outside          in the yard, in the action, so I'm putting up with it)

Camp Cottonwood is not my favorite.  BUT, Camp Carnelian is!  We are finally back in action on the open water and I love it!!

Last night we had our inaugural cruise around the lake.  We got the pontoon on the water last Thursday, anticipating that my cousin Ryan would like some rides on his sleepover night Friday.  As it turns out, Ryan just wanted to sit on the boat with his fuzzy blanket and enjoy the fresh air.  So the boat stayed parked until last night when we we took Jane Marcotte on a booze cruise after dinner.  Jane is the lady who sold Camp Carnelian to Brett & JuJu, and I am very grateful for her giving them the opportunity to keep the Camp booming with activity.  Plus, Jane fawns over me quite a bit, which never gets old.

Here is a photo play-by-play of our cruise, with commentary.

Here we are, just getting started.  We still don't have the lift in, so Brett had to position the boat carefully so I could walk on without risking falling in.  The water temp is about 50.  Too cold for me! Actually, you can ask Brett what happens when 50 degree water goes over the top of your chest waders.  (Hint:  There are men who can sing soprano!)

Next, we eased into what Brett calls the "Ram Air" position.  Noses pointed up wind, catching all the spring smells.  So awesome!

Finally, about halfway around the lake I remembered how we left off last Fall.  My sea legs knew what to do and Bruiser "Danger" Bottolfson was back!  With total confidence.

I understand that I've got about a month left at Camp until you come back.  I can't wait to see you!  I overheard there might be a retirement party for me at Autumn, and I think they are also planning a party for me at Camp.  Stay tuned for more updates.

Living the Dangerous Life and Loving it,


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Girls, Girls, Girls

Dadthzs I bet you have that Motley Crue song in your head right now after reading the title of my latest update!  You can take a kid out of the 80's, but you can't take the 80's out of the kid.

True to form, we had another action packed weekend!

Friday night:  Pizza with Stella.  (I didn't get a pic, sorry!)  One of my favorite girls for sure.

Saturday morning:  I finally met Sadie up close and personal.  I usually see her inside the house, in the window, defending her castle.  But on our early morning walk, she was out with her coat on and joined us for a little stroll with Paul (her Dadthzs).  We were also joined by Abel and her Dadthzs, Jim.

The rest of the day Saturday was yard work.  JuJu had the job of poop patrol. Six months worth.  I was an awesome Supervisor laying near the patio and watching her work.  I made sure she stayed safe and didn't get out of my eyesight.  Summer helped me supervise too. 

Saturday night we went to Tobey's house in Blaine. It was Scott's birthday so we went to celebrate with him.  Tobey isn't part of the Girls Group, but he is such a stud, like me, and I like him a lot.

Sunday we had another big day.  Started with a walk, then lots more yard work, and I continued to be an effective Supervisor.  Then we went to Sandberg's for an early dinner.  MORE GIRLS!  It was Winnie, Izzy and Maggie.  Whew!  I was exhausted - but happy to keep the role of BMOC.  The girls love me.  (that includes Miss Shelly too, who is pictured giving us treats)

Official ice out at Camp Carnelian was yesterday, May Day.  I suspect we will be launching the pontoon this weekend.  I can't wait to get back on the open water!  It's been a very long winter.

I love and miss you Dadthzs.  I can't wait to see you in about a month or so.  


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Boys vs. Girls (I'll take the girls any day!)

Spring has sprung at Camp, Dadthzs!

And it's about dang time!

Friday night, we hosted dinner for Dr. Jay, his new GF (Shanna), and Jay's furkid named Monte.  I think Monte is the first boy dog that has been to Camp since I arrived back in July.  It never dawned on me that all of my play dates have been with the ladies, except that one time we went to Blaine to play with Tobey (Summer's brother) and when we walk across the street at Tucker's.  All the dogs on our road walk are girls (except for Cruiser and he hardly counts - he's what Brett calls "musky bait").  I've become accustomed to the enviable role of Big Man On Campus, and frankly when Monte arrived I wasn't a big fan.  First of all, Monte is a Pudle Pointer and he moves with lightning speed.  Too fast and too much action for me.  Second, he's a close talker and doesn't respect normal space boundaries around my face.  The first hour he was at Camp, I barked at him, got up in his grill, showed him who's boss, and even gave my best tough-guy growl.  Monte tried to play with me a few times, but I had none of it.  I stood my ground and took charge of the situation, which included bringing quite a few of JuJu's shoes to the bar area downstairs.  It's my job to defend my home turf.  By the time we went to bed Friday night, I was exhausted.  I'll take the girls any day! (Quick shout outs to: Elli, Kasey, Bailey, Stella, Mo, Agate, Reece, Rocie, Winnie, Izzy, Maggie, DeMazy, Abel and the late Phoebe for being such cool chicks).  If I forgot a cool chick in my shout out, I know I'll be in the dog house.  Obviously my cousin Summer goes without saying.

This past weekend the sun came out and the air warmed up to the mid-60's so that the snow from the blizzard the weekend before could finally start to melt.  We spent the rest of the weekend outside and it was awesome.  There is still 24" of ice all the way across the lake, so we continued to use the lake for our walks.  It's much easier, cleaner and safer than the road.  

On Sunday we did something fun and new:  We went for a city walk downtown Stillwater.  JuJu needed bird seed, so we got to tag along to the Farm Store.  We walked and talked and gawked our way through downtown, sniffing all kinds of people/dogs/kids in strollers.  It was pretty cool to get out with the crowds and experience something new.  The Farm Store is dog friendly, which means not only do they have a water bowl on their front steps, we got to go INSIDE the store and the nice lady gave us treats.  When we got home, we helped fill the bird feeders, and got to feel the warmth of the sun in contrast with the cool ground on our bellies.  Spring is the BEST!

The countdown is ON for ice-out.  I can't wait to get back on the pontoon.  I miss the open water, the breeze in my face, and Floatillas.  


Monday, April 16, 2018

Easter, Aggie, Blizzard 2018

Greetings Dadthzs from the never ending snow globe!

I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since I last wrote.  It's been a whirlwind for sure.  Here's what's cooking at Camp:

Easter:  Grandpa and I went to Auntie Jill's cabin on Deer Lake for Easter.  We picked up Nan and Summer and all rode together.  Road trip!  When we arrived at Deer Lake, there was a surprise puppy there named Bitty.  She came with Miss Lorie (remember she is the one who brought me special treats to Auntie Jill's birthday party in December?) and she is the last of 3 puppies that Miss Lorie is fostering from Coco's Rescue.  We all got along great and had a super fun day.  You'll notice Bitty sat right next to me while Summer was "sitting pretty" for her treat.

Aggie:  Our friends (The Voxlands) just got a new puppy on the day I went to Grandpa's, so we all had to wait 10 days to meet her.  Her name is Agate (aka "Aggie") and she is a Golden Doodle.  She is 12 weeks old and she is pretty chill for a puppy.  When we met her on Friday night, she was a little scared of me and Summer at first.  But since I am the older version of super-chill, I was able to set the pace until she realized we were safe playmates.   

Dadthzs, Aggie's hairdo totally reminds me of Meg Ryan in Top Gun.  It's just the right amount of wavy and messy, with awesome highlights.  She is so pretty.  She's even pretty when she's napping (we wore her out!).  I can't wait to show her how to ride on the pontoon this spring.

I'm not trying to brag, but I did overhear Aggie's parents say they hope she turns out just like me.  Their kids really love me a lot too and gave me a lot of attention, which surprised me since they have a new puppy of their own.  I was getting pretty tired before we left, so I took a short nap while they all watched the WILD playoff game.  As soon as I closed my eyes, Trygve came over to snuggle me and we took a little nap together.  There is nothing like a hug from a kiddo.  It was my highlight of this past weekend for sure.

Blizzard 2018:   Whoa!  I said my very first swear word since arriving at Camp.  When we got up Saturday morning for potties, we walked out the basement door straight into a 30mph east wind coming straight across the lake and snow blowing all over the place.  I didn't like that AT ALL!  That wind whistles in my ears and the sleet stings my eyes.  I burrowed my face down and muttered a naughty word under my breath.  JuJu heard it.  She said "You must have learned that word from Uncle Brett." 

The weekend was one for the record books.  It is now the snowiest April on record in Minnesota.  The blizzard started some time overnight Friday night and continued until we went to bed Sunday night.  No one can measure how much snow we got because it was blowing all over the place, but we are all guessing 12".  

That record setting weather did NOT stop the activity at Camp however.  On Saturday night, during the worst of it, Jodi and Colleen came over for pasta and brought Elli Bleu.  They parked at the top of the driveway because with all the snow and ice they were afraid they wouldn't get back out.  They left while it was still light outside, just in case.  Even the heartiest of Minnesotans know when it's time to err on the side of caution.  Mother Nature is no chick to mess with.  

On Sunday we went to an "ice out" party at Boyts.  I got to see Kasey and Bailey again - I hadn't seen them in many weeks and I missed them! The "ice out" party was planned before the Blizzard, and the snow didn't stop anyone.  There is still 2 feet of ice on the lake and everyone is predicting record setting late ice-out.  We had apps and drinks and went home well before dark. 

I find it ironically appropriate that we are having the coldest and snowiest winter here, while you are also living on the ice cap at the top of planet earth.  Maybe this is your way of bonding with me from so many miles away.  With that being said, I wish you would have been Commander of a much warmer place so that my people weren't freezing and shoveling their buns off.  Maybe all of this snow is supposed to get me ready for Camp Colorado Springs.  I've learned that with enough apps and friends you can survive anything, regardless of the weather.  I'm ready for anything.

Love and miss you,


Monday, March 26, 2018

March Mudness

Welcome to March Mudness at Camp Carnelian!  No, that's not a typo's Mudness.

We are not warming up like we should for March weather, but enough has melted off the street that we have been able to return to our 2.5 mile road track.  Last weekend we walked that route both Saturday & Sunday and the combo of wet grass, snow, a winters worth of sand and salt created "March Mudness".  Summer and I are getting very familiar with the shower.  I don't think there is an end in sight for at least 30 days, with temps staying cool & the thaw is slow.   We went back to walking the lake after last weekend, as it's much cleaner on the paws and under-carriage.I am hoping Grandpathzs walking trails are clear, as I am ready for some Suburban living & a break from camping.

I've had a lot of extra chores at Camp the last 2 weeks.  Both Brett and JuJu got a bad virus so I've had to do more protecting than usual.  They both missed almost a whole week of work.  JuJu has been sleeping in the guest bedroom downstairs so I gave up my Temperpedic bed for the carpeted floor.  I lay right by the foot of the bed and face the door all night.  I've got her back.

While I've been a great protector, I also have ants in my pants a little bit.  Summer kinda starts it.  I am so accustomed to daily exercise that the few days we didn't do anything it was weird.  Summer showed me this trick that usually works on JuJu even when she is sick.  This is called "The Stare".

To top off a weird couple of weeks, JuJu cried at my fluff and puff on Friday.  I saw her through the window, watching me get trimmed up, and she had big tears.  When I came prancing out, she hugged me and told me how proud she is of me, how I am such a good boy, and how much she loves me.  I was kinda embarrassed Dadthzs.  Us dudes are confused by vulnerability of emotion in public. I guess I forfeited my man card when I'm standing there in a salon painted pink.  Either way, I made sure I sat by JuJu on the couch the rest of the night.

As I mentioned, I am off to Grandpathzs on Thursday night.  Summer is going to her Grandmathzs.  We are all back to Camp on Monday 4/9 so I'll check in once I'm back there.

I sure miss you Dadthzs. I am looking forward to June when you come home.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Back to the vet, and I met another new friend

Hey Dadthzs,

I've been back to shaking my head and flapping my ears, so Brett brought me back to see the vet today.  Sure enough, I've got another ear infection.  Brett & JuJu suspected this last week, but every time they have put the OtoMax in my ear, I run around the house like a crazed goof, crying and whimpering carrying on.  No one has the guts to put me through that again, so we went back for a more thorough diagnosis. 

Good news:  Dr. Olivia gave me a high five for my weight.  I am now 81.7 pounds and she says I look and feel great.  Brett asked if we should increase my food again, and she said that I could still lose 5 more pounds before a food increase.  Brett floated that idea past JuJu and she said "over my dead Scandahoovian heritage butt!  We need to keep Bru right where he's at, and he shouldn't lose any more weight."  It sounds like I might have some steak in my future.  High Paws!

Bad news:  Ear infections suck.  And because of my history of whimpering, they decided to pack my ear with antibiotic, right there at the doctors office.  I just about lost it, Dadthzs.  I high stepped it all around Dr. Olivia's office, crying up a storm.  Dr. Olivia (who is a peanut to begin with, and due to her small & petite stature shouldn't be trusted in matters of "ideal weight") got down on the floor, put her small hands on my cheeks, and in a soft girlie voice said "Bruiser, you're going to be just fine."  I stopped my crying immediately, and I haven't cried since.

Other news:  I met another new friend on Sunday.  Louie is staying on the lake with his grandparents for a week while his Dadthzs is out of town.  Louie is a 6 month old Golden, and he was super fun.  Here we are getting some treats from JuJu:

As you can see, we still have plenty of snow on the lake.  It's been tough to walk because our paws sink in deeper than the perceived surface.  So we are only taking short walks (a mile or so) at a time.  No one needs a torn ACL coming into swimsuit season!

I'll write one more time before I go to Grandpathzs on Good Friday. 

All is well at Camp Carnelian!

High steppin' Big Cryin' Bru-baby

Friday, March 2, 2018

The Fox in the Hen House

TGIF Dadthzs!

I'm not sure if it's the fresh new haircut that I got yesterday, or if it's my sensitive side that got me invited, but I got to be the only dude at Girls Night last night.

The picture pretty much speaks for itself.  I was the fox in the hen house.  I listened carefully and took good notes on what women talk about when the men aren't around.  I know this is one of the mysteries of mankind, and I now hold the answers as a trusted insider.  I'm going to share this with you Dadthzs, because I know you already have top level US government clearance and can be trusted:

  • Rifles vs. Shotguns vs. Pistols vs. BB guns = What is the difference and which is the better option for squirrels on bird feeders?  Is there one universal gun that can handle squirrels AND muskrats?  If so, why would anyone ever need more than 1 gun?  CeCe wants to kills squirrels and muskrats from her back porch.  Stacy has already taken a gun safety course. Why do men shoot deer when they are so cute?
  • Speaking of deer, did you know breeding deer is big business?  Humans harvest semen from large bucks and sell it to game farms to breed bigger deer.  Jodi grew up on a farm where they artificially bred dairy cows.  She knew all about the process and explained in great detail.  I felt like I was in sex-ed class and was grateful they couldn't see me blush through my red hair.
  • There is a difference between an amateur saxophone and a professional saxophone.  
  • How long does it take an 80,000 pound tractor-trailer to stop when going 60 mph? Wet or dry road conditions and weather conditions are contributing factors in calculating this, as well as weight of vehicle.  (Dadthzs, JuJu is a real nerd.)
  • Our country needs to put a stop to distracted driving.
  • Kids vs. grand kids.  Grand kids won hands down.
  • Furkids.  We took the silver medal.  Adult kids took the bronze, even though all of the adult kids discussed sound like really good people.
  • Cancer sucks.  That was unanimous. 
  • Eyelashes do grow back after chemo, and there is some magic potion that helps them grow back thicker.  
  • Women over 40 sometimes pee their pants a little, especially when they sneeze or exercise.  It's embarrassing for them, not to mention inconvenient.  There is a medical procedure that fixes it & it only takes a half hour under light anesthesia.  There is a guinea pig in the group who just went through the procedure, but her identity is super top secret clearance that I need to keep to myself.  
  • Why would anyone take the time to make a pot pie crust from scratch when Marie Calendar does such a nice job making the whole thing?
  • You can freeze Habanero peppers in a baggie, straight from the garden, and they last all winter. 
  • The multiple meanings of the word "ass", and why it's confusing for people who are learning English as a second language.  The definition is not just "butt" or "donkey."  For example, a "smart ass" does not mean you're smart, or that your donkey is smart; but a "dumb ass" means you are dumb.  People don't really "get their ass handed to them."  A "bad ass" is actually a compliment, and not bad.
    • This last topic concluded the evening and I suspect the laughter that accompanied this was a combination of the humor and the wine.
Have a great weekend Dadthzs.  It's warming up here and I think we are going to spend some time outside.  I hope the snow has melted enough this week so that we can go back to walking the lake while the ice is still thick.  I don't want to walk on the road and mess up my new fluff and puff.  (Ok, it just dawned on me - I got invited to Girls Night because I've got a little diva in my genes too). 


PS:  Hill-Murray vs. White Bear in boys hockey section final tonight at Aldrich.  Winner goes to state.  I don't know what any of that means, but I heard JuJu talking about it so I thought I'd share since you are a WBL alumnus.   I think grandpa is going to the game tonight and cheering for Hill-Murray since Charlie plays for them.  Blood is thicker than alumni.  

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Olympicthzs

Hi Dadthzs,

Here at Camp Carnelian, we are really into TEAM USA now that the Olympicthzs are on TV.  We are a house full of patriotic lovers of 'Merica year round, but after Shaun White got the GOLD again last night, we are a bunch of goofs hooting and hollering at the TV.  USA! USA! USA! 

It finally warmed up a little on Sunday so that we could walk on the lake again.  We took this picture because JuJu had her goofy TEAM USA sunglasses on:

Last night we walked with Karen, Kasey & Bailey - 2.35 miles!  It was hard work walking through some patches of deeper snow, but for the most part I stayed on the old snowmobile tracks.  I had to do a lot of high knees, but it was worth it.

Not much else to report Dadthzs.  Thanks for keeping an eye on things up there so we can enjoy the Olympicthzs and the athletes are safe and sound.

Proud member of Team USA,

Friday, February 9, 2018

When do I get a vacation?

Hi Dadthzs,

I know you're back to Greenland and settled in for the next few months.  I was so glad to see you when you came back a few weeks ago!  JuJu didn't want me to post this picture because she thought it might make you feel bad, but I am posting it anyway so you know how much I love you.

This was me, after you left Camp Carnelian 2 weeks ago:

(JuJu got tears in her eyes when she took this picture.  She's not as tough as she acts sometimes.)

Shortly after you left, Brett & JuJu went on vacation too.  What's so cool about Mexico that you guys go there every year?  I don't understand why you all come home smelling like Margaritahzs either.  It's weird. 

I went to stay with Grandpa while Brett & JuJu were gone and now I think Mother Nature has something against me going to Grandpas!  Every time I go there, it's too cold for walks!  #Growl

I got back to Camp last night and found my familiar spot on the couch.  Brett was still in relax mode:

I am now back to King of the Camp:

I'm wondering since I'm technically still working 2 jobs (Autumn & Camp Carnelian Counselor) when do you think I am eligible for a vacation?  Do you think I should choose Mexico as a destination?  I don't care for tequila, but I do like the idea of a swim-up bar.  

The weather is going to warm up Sunday so I hear we are lake walking again with Kasey and Bailey.  I'll keep you posted on the gossip around the lake when I write again.  That cool guy Ripley has started an "ice out countdown" already.  Man these people are nuts.


Monday, January 22, 2018

Somewhere on a beach


I know you're somewhere on a beach right now, enjoying a break from the darkness and cold of your post in Thule.  I hope you are enjoying the sun and warmth.  Things have significantly warmed up here too, and we took full advantage of that this past weekend.

Saturday morning we got a weekend camper added to the roster - my friend Stella Matchey.  I first met Stella on New Years Eve this year, but JuJu didn't get a picture of her at that party.  As soon as Stella got to Camp on Saturday morning, we headed out to walk the lake with Kasey and Bailey.  We had a blast and walked 3.65 miles.  I did really well, especially considering we haven't been walking much lately in this bitter cold.  Here's all 5 of us with JuJu:

Both Summer and I had to take some Rimadyl Saturday afternoon, but it was worth it. 

Saturday night we had some Church with Stella (and Kasey too):

It's so nice when you have friends you can just be yourself with.  You know how much I love Kasey, and Stella is really a nice friend too.  She gives me just the right amount of attention and just the right amount of space.  Dadthzs, it was pretty funny all of us sleeping in JuJu and Brett's bedroom Saturday night. It was truly like camping.  Wait, kinda like Glamping actually.  We did great!

Sunday morning we were back on the lake and walked another 3 miles.  I try to introduce myself to all of the people out there as we walk by.  It feels so good to get fresh air and exercise!  

Sunday night we had friends over to watch the Vikings game.  That's all I'm going to say about that.

We are supposed to get a snow-nami today.  The weather geeks are guessing 4-12".  Summer and I stayed home from work today since Brett will be back to the home office by 12:00.  JuJu didn't want to take us out in the Brubaru if she didn't have to.  I'll keep you posted if we actually get some good snow totals.  It will make your time in the sun feel that much more special.

Love you Dadthzs,

Monday, January 8, 2018

A break from the deep freeze

Hi Dadthzs,

I finally got outside yesterday after 2 long weeks in the deep freeze!  Summer and I have had cabin fever really bad, and it felt so good to get outside.  Yesterday the temperature finally got to 20+something.  It felt like a heat wave, and I could actually take my time to go potty without freezing my noogies off.  (Oh wait, I don't have noogies anymore.  But if I had them, they would have been frozen the past 2 weeks).

Here we are, getting ready to go for our long walk on the lake:

We went for a 2 mile walk with Kasey & Bailey, and their parents, and Brett & JuJu.  Kasey's mom and dad found this awesome stuff on the internet called "Paw Wax" and it's designed for us red heads who get ice chunk build up in our paws.  Kasey shared some with me and it worked GREAT!  And way better than those embarrassing booties we tried a month ago.  I made it 2 miles and only had to stop 2-3 times to quickly pick at my paws.  Here we are on our walk:

Bailey is 4 months old now, and she has the energy to try and keep up with Summer and Kasey.  I just hang back, patient.  Slow and steady wins the race.  Halfway through the walk, Bailey slowed down and hung with me and we kept a pretty similar pace.  What a great day!

We also spent some time outside, burning boxes, shoveling the rink, and just goofing off.  I slept like a rock last night.  The fresh air did me good.

I am really looking forward to seeing you this weekend Dadthzs!  I can't believe how fast the first half of your assignment has gone.  I know after this trip I won't see you again until June, but I think it will go pretty fast if I can stay active and busy.  There is always some action at Camp, and work is keeping me busy too.  I just miss you a bunch and can't wait to see you.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Camp Carnelian, where it's been so cold we haven't walked in a week!  Dadthzs, I can barely go potty without freezing my paws.  Summer and I have cabin fever so bad, and so do Brett and JuJu.  We've been cooped up inside and we are all dying to get out and get some fresh air.  It looks like we have a few more days to wait.  I am hoping for some really good walks this weekend when the temps are supposed to be back above zero.

So, what do we do at Camp when it's too cold to go outside?  We EAT!  And we DRINK!  And we wear the same sweat pants for 3 days in a row.  Ew, that sounds gross doesn't it?  Nobody said Camp was glamorous.  We are in survival mode.

On New Years Eve we had some friends over for games and appetizers.  It was really fun because Stella came over (JuJu forgot to get a picture of us) so we had 3 furkids, 4 teenagers & 6 adults.  We played games all night while we snacked.  Since this is my first NYE at Camp, I had no clue that NYE is a marathon, not a sprint.  Here is the evolution of my night:

10:30pm:  Already you can see, I'm down for the count.  The Walsh girls were so great to me & gave me lots of attention.  But I couldn't keep my eyes open any more.  (PS:  the Walsh girls are Colleen's kids - remember Colleen?  She was JuJu and Jill's 3rd sister growing up)

12:18am:  Happy New Year!  I am celebrating with my eyes closed.

Monday mid-morning (New Years Day):  Clearly, I had too much tequila!!  And no one offered me a Bloody Mary, so I napped.

Monday (New Years Day) we had put a brisket on the Big Green Egg the night before and it slow cooked all night.  Pastor John Cheese coached Brett through his first attempt on his own - making a brisket outside overnight when it's minus 18 is pretty tricky.  

When the humans were done eating, Pastor John conducted a church service for me, Summer and Elli Bleu.  That brisket was really delicious!!  We hadn't been to church with Pastor John Cheese in quite a while, so it tasted extra good in my opinion. 

So we closed 2017 on a cold note, but with a lot of warmth in our hearts, as we are grateful for our friends and family who help us get through cabin fever.  As we start 2018, on an equally cold note, I am looking forward to some walks on the lake pretty soon (Kasey's mom found some paw wax we are going to try), and I am also looking forward to seeing you soon when you come home again to visit.  

Until then, I've got my nose back to the grindstone at work.  It's certainly way better than being lazy on the couch all day!  

Happy New Year!!
