Monday, March 26, 2018

March Mudness

Welcome to March Mudness at Camp Carnelian!  No, that's not a typo's Mudness.

We are not warming up like we should for March weather, but enough has melted off the street that we have been able to return to our 2.5 mile road track.  Last weekend we walked that route both Saturday & Sunday and the combo of wet grass, snow, a winters worth of sand and salt created "March Mudness".  Summer and I are getting very familiar with the shower.  I don't think there is an end in sight for at least 30 days, with temps staying cool & the thaw is slow.   We went back to walking the lake after last weekend, as it's much cleaner on the paws and under-carriage.I am hoping Grandpathzs walking trails are clear, as I am ready for some Suburban living & a break from camping.

I've had a lot of extra chores at Camp the last 2 weeks.  Both Brett and JuJu got a bad virus so I've had to do more protecting than usual.  They both missed almost a whole week of work.  JuJu has been sleeping in the guest bedroom downstairs so I gave up my Temperpedic bed for the carpeted floor.  I lay right by the foot of the bed and face the door all night.  I've got her back.

While I've been a great protector, I also have ants in my pants a little bit.  Summer kinda starts it.  I am so accustomed to daily exercise that the few days we didn't do anything it was weird.  Summer showed me this trick that usually works on JuJu even when she is sick.  This is called "The Stare".

To top off a weird couple of weeks, JuJu cried at my fluff and puff on Friday.  I saw her through the window, watching me get trimmed up, and she had big tears.  When I came prancing out, she hugged me and told me how proud she is of me, how I am such a good boy, and how much she loves me.  I was kinda embarrassed Dadthzs.  Us dudes are confused by vulnerability of emotion in public. I guess I forfeited my man card when I'm standing there in a salon painted pink.  Either way, I made sure I sat by JuJu on the couch the rest of the night.

As I mentioned, I am off to Grandpathzs on Thursday night.  Summer is going to her Grandmathzs.  We are all back to Camp on Monday 4/9 so I'll check in once I'm back there.

I sure miss you Dadthzs. I am looking forward to June when you come home.


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